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ILead Career Talks – Energy

July 22, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

What is it really like to work as an engineer in energy?

Wednesday July 22| 12-1PM | Zoom | Register below

Tell me what it’s really like to work in energy. Where do I go to explore my options, connect with others, learn about myself, and take steps to develop my professional network during social distancing? Our alumni working in the field are Zooming in to answer your career questions in the third session of our special summer career series. You’ll get an inside look at their working lives, gain insights into different industries and hear about their journeys from FASE to the careers they have today. This interactive noon-time session will be a mix of panel and small group discussions with an emphasis on community-building and personal reflection. You’ll connect with a great community to keep your motivation and inspiration high. Come explore the possibilities ahead!

Each week is dedicated to a specific industry. Join us for this session only or come to all 4.

CCR approval pending.

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July 22, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

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